

Maximus is creating the Internet of Gaming (IoG), a decentralised metaverse run by gamers that connects and rewards all user types within the industry for completing objectives and contributing towards the growth of the IoG network.
Turn your skills into skins

Unlock your potential and earn skins along the way.


Here is what we did
Most of our core and most revolutionary features have been integrated since 2021. We've been talking to gamers and taking feedback into account, we've improved our features and worked on research. We talked about apps on all platforms, desktop, mobile and console. But most importantly, our goal is to provide as seamless an experience as possible between game time and the platform itself.
Alpha version
We launched our platform to our private alpha testers to get feedback from them. Our platform is built by gamers for gamers, so we had a good collaboration from all over the world to have a convenient platform for everyone.
First Game: Counter Strike 2
The purpose of this alpha was to allow gamers to compete in the first game available on the platform.
Smart tournaments and challenges
Allows users to earn daily rewards for being an active part of the Maximus ecosystem and contributing to the revolution of the gaming industry.
Decentralises the competitive gaming experience, allowing gamers to compete with full safety and transparency of their competitions.
The roadmap is delivered sequentially, however, the development, research, testing, and community are being created in parallel. The work of each stage is public, with updates, real-time code commits, and research backing. We rely heavily on the support of our community to establish the Maximus platform and successfully accomplish each stage of the roadmap.
Launch platform • 2023 Q4
Customizable prize pools
First step in giving back ownership of rewards to the community.
Second Game: Dota 2
Esports events and tournaments for Dota 2, updated live with results, schedules, VODs.
Third Game: PUBG
Receive complete stats information about all best and biggest PUBG tournaments.
New Game: Valorant
Schedule and list of ongoing competitive Valorant tournaments, leagues, and events.
New Game: League of Legends
Leading platform for LoL esports tournaments. Compete in quality tournaments from the best organizers.
Creators Economy • 2024 Q1
Allow creators to develop and offer better incentive and extra monetization streams for their communities.
An open marketplace for the gaming community to trade/sell/buy digital assets. Assists with the marketing of creators/sponsors/publishers, generating ownership rights, and creating new monetisation opportunities.
Matchmaking and lottery
All participation on the platform is acknowledged and, in turn, contributes to a pool of rewards.
Creator smart tournaments
The new creator economy will permit ICONs to customise tournaments, offering a new experience for their audiences. They can interact directly with their communities, rewarding them, and creating a win-win opportunity for both parties.
The Cloud • 2024 Q2
Publisher SDKs
In order to onboard as many publishers and gaming studios as possible, we are developing an easy-to-use SDK (Software Development Kit) and API, allowing developers to save time and server costs. Providing assistance for developers to monetise and increase KPIs of their games by allowing their gamers to Play2Earn.
Player and publisher crowdfunding
Permits investors to easily support upcoming pro gamers and publishers showing potential.
P2P Cloud gaming
Allows gamers to provide P2P CPU and GPU resources to users who need them. Opens the opportunity for users to earn for providing resources, and for those needing them to easily access customised experiences for affordable prices.
P2P Networks • 2024 Q3
P2P servers
Allow gamers to contribute to global gaming servers in a P2P fashion, increasing the opportunities for improved connectivity, low costs, and rewards.
IoG Box & Proof of Service
Any user who purchases the Gamer Box will be able to provide cloud computing and eventually network resources in a P2P fashion. Acting as a mini-computer (Raspberry Pi), the box will be available for purchase at different capacities, which will, in turn, increase or decrease the rewards earned by connectors and sharers.
P2P anti-cheat
Identifies the state of VMs playing on the P2P servers through Proof of Service. VMs will work together to verify the state of others participating on the server, in order to identify any malicious devices.
Metaverse integration
Offers simple, direct accessibility to the Metaverse for users around the world, and from almost any device, through P2P servers and Cloud resources.
Sustainable gaming • 2024 Q4
Sustainable gaming
Contributes the resources collected from the gamers’ machines to improve sustainability across several sectors, including the Boomer Hubspots, which will be fully powered through solar energy.
Building the gaming economy with the right partners. Enquire about a partnership.
Building the gaming economy with the right sponsor. Enquire about a sponsorship.
The organisations funding the build of our revolutionary platform. Enquire about investing.